Tuesday, June 18, 2019


In this era of globalization, the advancement of Internet technology has reached a period where its use is spread throughout the world and carried out by most people in the range of ages from toddlers to seniors. In searching for information about something, people will use search engines that will deliver them to a particular link and usually the link is named after the Website. The website is an internet service that has been used by people all over the world. .
The use of the Internet and the web can contribute positively to students' academic activities. The internet and the web can provide the possibility to dig up information and knowledge in the field of language which is the field of excellence. Through the use of the Internet and the web, teachers will always be ready to teach science and current issues to their students. Teachers must always improve their ability to access the Website that contains everything that becomes their area of ​​expertise.
WebQuest, as an example of a web-based learning format.WebQuest is a computer-based teaching and learning tool that allows students to work alone or in groups. Students use the web to find information related to a particular topic presented through WebQuest. WebQuest requires students to use high-class thinking and solving problems you use, also teaches how to evaluate information and use on the internet outside of social networking sites and YouTube. For more information about WEBQUEST you can find it here thirteen.org or questgarden.com or if you want to make WEBQUEST you can use Zunal.com like this one:

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