Friday, June 21, 2019


Ideas (thoughts) are something (the results of thoughts, proposals, desires, hopes) that the writer will convey to the reader or listener. Furthermore, the idea will be complemented by facts, data, information and other supports that are expected to clarify ideas and at the same time convince prospective readers (Suyono, 2004). Teaching is basically an attempt to create conditions or an environmental system that supports and enables the learning process to take place. If learning is said to belong to students, then teaching is a teacher's activity. Teaching is conveying knowledge to students.
Therefore, Teaching Ideas is a thought or desire of a teacher to be implemented and used in the process of conveying knowledge to students. Here below are teaching ideas using several tools or media.
·         Using Power Point
1.       Pre activity
The teacher opens the class by reading prayers together
The teacher prepares the projector LCD and the material will be delivered via power point
The teacher invites students into the topic to be discussed.
2.      While activities
The teacher displays the material to students through power point and explains it.
The teacher divides the class into 3 groups and gives students problems related to the material being taught.
The teacher tells students to make power points and presentations
3.      Post activities
The teacher gives a brief summary of the material presented.
The teacher gives feedback to each group
The class is closed by reading the Alhamdulillah.

·         Using Timeline
Pre activity
The teacher opens the class by reading prayers together
The teacher prepares the LCD projector and the material to be delivered through the Timeline
The teacher asks students about events in the past.
While activity
The teacher shows and explains about events or developments from time to time on a topic through the timelinE.
Post Activity
The teacher asks again about the material that has been delivered.

·         Using Facebook
Pre activity
The teacher opens the class by reading prayers together.
The teacher asks the knowledge and experience of students using Facebook
The teacher instructs students to join the group the teacher has prepared.
While activity
The teacher opens the discussion by giving articles the problems that often occur to students on Facebook.
The teacher tells students to read articles that have been shared on Facebook
The teacher divides students into 4 discussion groups.
After the discussion each group is obliged to provide comments posted on Facebook
 Post activity
The teacher gives a summary of the material that has been discussed
Class is closed by reading Alhamdulillah.

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