Wednesday, June 19, 2019


"Writing" is the process of using symbols (letters of the alphabet, punctuation and spaces) to communicate thoughts and ideas in a readable form. Generally, we write using a pen/pencil (handwriting) or a keyboard (typing). With a pen/pencil we usually write on a surface such as paper or whiteboard. A keyboard is normally attached to a typewriter, computer or mobile device. Such is the combination of technology with teaching writing. To give effect to understanding and compactness we can use the method of collaborative writing.
Collaborative writing is a methodology in which a pair, small group, or many students work in unison to complete a writing project. This system can be a useful way of enhancing the confidence and skills of students. It is also known as: interactive writing or shared writing.
Collaborative writing can also be combined with technology, one of which we can use google drive as below or just tap here

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