Tuesday, June 18, 2019


Before we talk about blogger, it would be nice to know in advance the understanding of blog. Weblog "or blog is a website or online journal that contains a variety of information and displays the latest posts at the top of the page. Blog content or posts are updated regularly, and are usually managed by one or a small group of users. Although arranged by many users, for example, the thoughts and opinions that are written remain focused on one topic. This is the general definition and definition of a blog.
So what is the relationship between a blog and a blogger? Blogger is a person who creates and manages blogs, shares their views and perspectives online, both for personal and business purposes. The topics discussed also varied, ranging from arts to politics. Currently there are many famous bloggers and become 'celebrities' in the online and offline world. Some people make blogging (Blogging is the activity of writing and managing blogs by utilizing digital tools that are on the internet so that the blogger can write, share, and link content easily). as a side profession, some others view blogging as their main career, while others only write blogs for hobbies or as a way of expressing their opinions.
To become a blogger, of course we must have a blog first, we can create a blog by following the procedures in the video below:

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