Sunday, June 16, 2019


The development of the era followed by the development of technology, especially in today's digital age, people seem to live side by side with technology. In fact, technology has become a part of human life. Why do we have to integrate technology with education?
This is caused, technology is inherent in human life. Small children nowadays have all been technologically literate. If we integrate technology with learning it will be more acceptable and make it easier for students to understand the lesson. In addition, students will enjoy and enjoy learning because it is fun and more advanced.
However, every aspect certainly has a negative side. Technology may also have a negative impact on learning such as:
1.      Students prefer to interact with technology compared to other teachers and students.
2.      Teachers and books as information centers are now students dependent on technology.
3.      Student distraction: technology makes it easy for humans in their daily lives but also makes them disturbed such as Games on devices, text messaging, e-mail and websites all compete for students' attention, taking that attention away from the subject they are supposed to be focusing on.
