Sunday, June 16, 2019



What is Netiquette? Simply stated, it's network etiquette -- that is, the etiquette of cyberspace. And "etiquette" means "the forms required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be required in social or official life." In other words, Netiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly online. The word netiquette is a combination of ’net’ (from internet) and ’etiquette’. It means respecting other users’ views and displaying common courtesy when posting your views to online discussion groups.


Yes, of course we need netiquette. Especially in today's era, everyone cannot live without internet / online. Netiquette itself is a set of rules for behaving properly online. Netiquette teaches us to be good and advise others to be good and consider everyone online. When someone loses or lacks ethics it will weaken in socializing and will lead to fragmentation in an online community. Therefore, netiquette is needed by the community in using online media, so there is no misunderstanding or misuse of online media.


Netiquette is important as online communication is non-verbal. You have to follow Internet etiquette because there are other people such as your friends, relatives, elders who are using the Internet for all online communications. Hence it is correct to behave properly and write politely to everyone. Following proper Netiquette practices helps represent yourself correctly to a larger audience. Your attitude and character can be ascertained by the way you communicate with others. The kind of information you post online helps others to know about your character. Corporate are evaluating candidates by reviewing their social networking identity. Besides corporate, educators too are evaluating our presence on the social networking sites and also through the information we post.
Every field requires a discipline and the person who follows the discipline will be appreciated. The Internet has become a part of our life.  It is helping us in so many ways. It has made things easier in comparison to all other traditional methods of communication. We are able to stay connected anytime and anywhere. When we benefit so much from it, it becomes our duty to respect the privileges given by following standard practices that will not only help you but also others online.

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