Friday, June 21, 2019


Ideas (thoughts) are something (the results of thoughts, proposals, desires, hopes) that the writer will convey to the reader or listener. Furthermore, the idea will be complemented by facts, data, information and other supports that are expected to clarify ideas and at the same time convince prospective readers (Suyono, 2004). Teaching is basically an attempt to create conditions or an environmental system that supports and enables the learning process to take place. If learning is said to belong to students, then teaching is a teacher's activity. Teaching is conveying knowledge to students.
Therefore, Teaching Ideas is a thought or desire of a teacher to be implemented and used in the process of conveying knowledge to students. Here below are teaching ideas using several tools or media.
·         Using Power Point
1.       Pre activity
The teacher opens the class by reading prayers together
The teacher prepares the projector LCD and the material will be delivered via power point
The teacher invites students into the topic to be discussed.
2.      While activities
The teacher displays the material to students through power point and explains it.
The teacher divides the class into 3 groups and gives students problems related to the material being taught.
The teacher tells students to make power points and presentations
3.      Post activities
The teacher gives a brief summary of the material presented.
The teacher gives feedback to each group
The class is closed by reading the Alhamdulillah.

·         Using Timeline
Pre activity
The teacher opens the class by reading prayers together
The teacher prepares the LCD projector and the material to be delivered through the Timeline
The teacher asks students about events in the past.
While activity
The teacher shows and explains about events or developments from time to time on a topic through the timelinE.
Post Activity
The teacher asks again about the material that has been delivered.

·         Using Facebook
Pre activity
The teacher opens the class by reading prayers together.
The teacher asks the knowledge and experience of students using Facebook
The teacher instructs students to join the group the teacher has prepared.
While activity
The teacher opens the discussion by giving articles the problems that often occur to students on Facebook.
The teacher tells students to read articles that have been shared on Facebook
The teacher divides students into 4 discussion groups.
After the discussion each group is obliged to provide comments posted on Facebook
 Post activity
The teacher gives a summary of the material that has been discussed
Class is closed by reading Alhamdulillah.

Thursday, June 20, 2019


A person's learning process will never stop until he/she dies. Everyone does not immediately after graduating from school he stops learning. Given that technology and times are progressing, everyone must follow or be flexible about changing times. Learning is currently not obtained in the classroom but wherever we are. Technological advances also require teachers to be open to each other about how to teach in various countries. With technology the teacher can access all things and participate in discussions into a group that contains teachers from around the world.
This is meant by online groups or online forums, especially in teaching English we can join the EFL / TESOL groups groups in Yahoo groups, Google groups, or social media like Facebook, Twitter, Path etc. like this example:

And below are the examples of contributions in the group:


In today's digital age, everyone cannot live without using technology. Therefore, we must integrate technology in education so that the students we teach can follow and enjoy the teaching and learning process. For this reason the teacher must make classroom management and integrate it with the latest technology. Talking about classroom management, Classroom management is a term teachers use to describe the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly without disruptive behavior from students compromising the delivery of instruction. The term also implies the prevention of disruptive preemptive behavior, as well as effectively responding to it after it happens.
There are various kinds of tools that we can use to create classroom management and we can access it through online as below:
A. Gradebook
Engrade (
Learnboost (
Thinkwave (

B. Lesson Planning
The Lesson Builder (
Lesson Pro ( for creating an online learning activties
Lesson Plan Maker  (

B. Scheduling
Doodle (
Scheduleonce (
Bookfresh (

c. Quiz Creator
Quizstar (
Classmarker (

D. Behaviour Management
Class Dojo (
Warning Sign (
Timer (
Class grouping (

E. Miscellaneous
Worksheet generator (
Worksheet creator (
Online tools for language teaching (
Essay marking tool (

To make it easier for you how to arrange classroom management using tools found on the internet. We can see examples of classroom management below!

Before entering the class, the teacher makes a lesson plan in advance to make it easier and make the material to be taught better. The teacher makes a lesson plan with ( The teacher enters the class with some material to be delivered. Closing the book, the teacher reviews the material that was delivered at the previous meeting. The teacher looks at the video using the LCD projector related to the material that has been made with (
The teacher explains and students watch the video, students are divided into several groups to quiz and answer some of the questions at (,  after carrying out quizzes students get assignments that can be accessed at home via the web (  learning is over with the teacher reviewing and giving feedback.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019


As a teacher, of course we need the name lesson plan. A lesson plan is the instructor's road map of what students need to learn and how to do effectively during the class time. Then, the teacher can design appropriate learning activities and develop strategies to obtain feedback on student learning. Having a carefully constructed lesson plan for each 3-hour lesson allows students to have a more meaningful learning experience with the students.
Therefore, to make a lesson plan, we must understand what is in the lesson plan. And you can see it as an example or just tap here:

If you don't understand the example above, you can see the video below about lesson plans, and the components in lesson planning:

Followed by the development of technology, now you can easily create lesson plans with tools that are already on the internet, Tools for creating Lesson Plans:
The Lesson Builder (
Lesson Pro ( for creating an online learning activities
Lesson Plan Maker  (


Learning to listen to English is easy and difficult, especially if our ears are used to hearing Indonesian. But if it's creative, you can explore English listening skills with various digital platforms, one of which is Podcast.
A podcast is a series of 'episodes' that are stored in the same type of audio files we use to store music on our laptop or smartphone. Similar to a television or talk radio show, a podcast is generally centered around a theme such as politics, sports, entertainment, horror, gaming, etc. Each 'episode' usually revolves around a subject within that theme. You can listen to individual episodes or you can subscribe to the podcast, which is usually free.
There is an opinion that states that podcasts are one of the best ways to use the internet to improve our English skills. Because there are so many Podcast topics that can be searched on the internet and almost all of them are free, ranging from film, news, business, finance, sports, comedy, culinary, political, legal, and of course to learning English listening. You can see examples of podcasts like the one below:

Why podcasts are the right or fantastic thing for someone to learn English listening, you can watch this video:
Then what if we want to make our own Podcast to hear our abilities or teach others? Please see this video:

After you see the videos above, it's time to make your own Podcast. Have fun!:)


Talking about teaching speaking, the purpose of language learning is for communication. So it is fitting, when someone learns the language. It is hoped that he can apply the language to everyday life or communicate with others. This can be done by practicing using English that previously existed in teaching speech.
Speaking alone means the delivery of language through the mouth. To speak, we create sounds using many parts of our body, including the lungs, vocal tract, vocal chords, tongue, teeth and lips. This vocalized form of language usually requires at least one listener. When two or more people speak or talk to each other, the conversation is called a "dialogue". Speech can flow naturally from one person to another in the form of dialogue. It can also be planned and rehearsed, as in the delivery of a speech or presentation. Of course, some people talk to themselves! In fact, some English learners practice speaking standing alone in front of a mirror.
Speaking can be formal or informal:
Informal speaking is typically used with family and friends, or people you know well.
Formal speaking occurs in business or academic situations, or when meeting people for the first time
Speaking is probably the language skill that most language learners wish to perfect as soon as possible. It used to be the only language skill that was difficult to practice online. This is no longer the case. English learners can practice speaking online using voice or video chat and services like Skype. Skype is software that enables the world's conversations. Millions of individuals and businesses use Skype to make free video and voice one-to-one and group calls, send instant messages and share files with other people on Skype. You can use Skype on whatever works best for you – on your mobile, computer or tablet. Skype can help us to meet and talk with someone or group when we are unable to meet face to face like the example of recording using skype below:


"Writing" is the process of using symbols (letters of the alphabet, punctuation and spaces) to communicate thoughts and ideas in a readable form. Generally, we write using a pen/pencil (handwriting) or a keyboard (typing). With a pen/pencil we usually write on a surface such as paper or whiteboard. A keyboard is normally attached to a typewriter, computer or mobile device. Such is the combination of technology with teaching writing. To give effect to understanding and compactness we can use the method of collaborative writing.
Collaborative writing is a methodology in which a pair, small group, or many students work in unison to complete a writing project. This system can be a useful way of enhancing the confidence and skills of students. It is also known as: interactive writing or shared writing.
Collaborative writing can also be combined with technology, one of which we can use google drive as below or just tap here